Support for schools impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19)

UPDATE: This offer has now expired. Thank you to all the educators, schools, and districts who have reached out. It’s our pleasure to have been able to support you during these challenging times.

Is your school closed or planning to close due to the coronavirus (COVID-19)? We’d like to support your school during this challenging time with access to ClassHook Premium. Just follow the steps below.

If you have a ClassHook account:

  1. Complete this form:

If you’re new to ClassHook:

  1. Create a free ClassHook account, and join your school during onboarding:
  2. Activate your account after signing up (check your email)
  3. Complete this form:

We’ll reach out after we receive your request. Contact us with any questions.

Our hearts go out to all those affected, and we look forward to supporting your school.

28 thoughts on “Support for schools impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19)

  1. Due to school closure, I was wondering if this would be useful for my kindergarten class or is it geared for older students?

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