Teaching ELA With Friends

Studying English and Language Arts starts in books, but seeing examples of grammatical concepts or rhetorical strategies in action is a great way to take learning off the page. We all know and love the show Friends. This New York City-based friend group is best known for their quirky antics, but they also have a […]

Teaching Physics with The Simpsons

Concepts like matter, energy, and force can be abstract and challenging ideas to grasp for students of physics. Introducing these topics with the help of the Simpson family may make physics an easier pill to swallow for reluctant learners. Check out these five clips for some surprisingly educational moments from a timeless sitcom: 1. Static […]

Teaching Psychology with Seinfeld

While Seinfeld may allege to be a show about nothing, at ClassHook we think there’s plenty to mine when it comes to psychology. The neurotic exploits of Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer provide potent material for any number of lessons on the subject. Here are some of our favorite clips for using Seinfeld to teach […]

ClassHook’s Top 5 Clips for Teaching Entrepreneurship

With the explosion of the startups in Silicon Valley and beyond, the dream of starting one’s own business seems more attainable than ever. As a startup, ClassHook understands the importance of effective and engaging education around entrepreneurship. These 5 clips are sure to inspire and instruct entrepreneurs young and old. 1. Back to School: Economics […]

Top 5 Clips for Social-Emotional Learning

Emotions can be hard to express in words. In fact, we spend our whole lives struggling to reconcile the gap. For a parent or instructor, this can make teaching about social-emotional issues doubly difficult. Engaging videos that provide examples of these different principles can be invaluable tools in showing, rather than telling. 1. Self Awareness: […]