Whether or not you’re pleased with the results of last night’s Super Bowl, we can all agree that sports require a lot of teamwork to win. If you’ve ever been part of a sports team, you’ll know that grit and mental toughness are key success factors for individuals. But without a positive team dynamic, there’s only so much that each individual player can do. With that, we’ve curated a few inspirational clips from sports movies that illustrate teamwork and its importance. Whether it’s for inspiration, team-building, or starting a discussion about the Super Bowl, these clips will be sure to have an emotional impact on your students.
Remember The Titans: Your Team Needs You Tonight
When the Titans’ quarterback is injured, Coach Boone sends Ronnie Bass in to take his place. Ronnie doesn’t feel ready to take the position of quarterback, but like any good coach, Boone gives him the confidence he needs to ease his concerns. By doing whatever is required to help the team win, Ronnie shows he is a true team player.
Any Given Sunday: Inch by Inch Speech
In a locker room speech before the big game, Coach D’Amato stresses the importance of unity to his football team. He states that they will not succeed if they don’t work together and details just how important it is to give every single second of the game your best effort. By the end of the speech, his players are pumped and ready to win the game.
Remember The Titans: Gettysburg Speech
At the wake of dawn, Coach Boone instructs his team to take a jog with him. After jogging for some time, they arrive at a cemetery, where the Battle of Gettysburg was fought during the American Civil War. In a firm speech, the coach compares the situation of the divided team with the struggles of soldiers during the war. He emphasizes the need to unite and work as one or else they will fail and be destroyed.
The Waterboy: Water Sucks
Coach Klein motivates Bobby by claiming that Gatorade is better than water. Bobby, the former waterboy of the team, has a strong connection to water and gets upset when people make claims that Gatorade is better. Bobby channels his emotions into the game and makes an incredible play for the team.
Little Giants: One Time
The peewee football team shares positive vibes by telling each other about times in their lives when they prevailed against others in a challenge. The players on the team don’t think they’re good at football, but Coach Danny O’Shea reminds them that they just have to enjoy playing the game. He instills them with the motivation they need to win that one time.
The Express: Don’t Lose Yourselves
The team is all set to make history, as one of its players might just be the first African-American to win the Heisman Trophy. During halftime of the big game, Coach Ben Schwartzwalder urges his team not to lose themselves when playing on the field. He inspires them by expressing that the game is more than just a football game and by making the game a personal matter: each player can take part in making history.
There is no shortage of inspirational speeches from sports movies; these are just a small sample. Regarding the outcome of the Super Bowl, we know what Homer Simpson thinks.