Black Science: The Women Behind NASA

Behind many of the scientific advancements that make our species so great are the genius African American minds that made it possible. Sadly because of the discrimination suffered by these people their accomplishments are often ignored or covered up. They are omitted from history books or their actions are attributed to others. In order to […]

Rosa Parks: The Legacy of an Icon

One of the main objectives of the Civil Rights Movements was to bring an end to racial segregation. The practice of segregation forced African Americans to use separate and often inferior facilities than white people. One of the most well known examples of this was bus segregation. African Americans would be forced to sit in […]

Selma: Marching for Justice

Chief among many of the goals that Civil Rights activists were aiming for was to secure their voting rights. Although the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed African Americans the right to vote, many states, especially those in the South, implemented discriminatory practices and laws that infringed on that right. African Americans were effectively prohibited from […]

Teaching the Scientific Method: Results

We’ve reached the final step of Scientific Method: Analyzing the Results. The information you receive from observing your subject and experimenting is only useful when compared to your hypothesis. By comparing the experiment results with the hypothesis we can determine if our original assumptions were true or false. Mythbusters The Mythbusters give a perfect example […]