Premium Feature Series #2: Request Subtitle Improvements

What is the Request Subtitle Improvement feature?

Our subtitles are automatically generated, and while they’re often pretty accurate, they’re not perfect. When showing videos to your students, you want them to retain as much of the illustrated concepts as possible. If a video’s subtitles are misspelled, incorrect, or completely missing, students can miss important information and improperly interpret a video’s message.

We want our library of videos to be as effective and engaging as possible, which is why we are excited to offer all Premium users the ability to request perfect subtitles that are FCC and ADA compliant, ideal for students with hearing impairments.

You’ll be given 15 subtitle requests per year as part of your ClassHook Premium subscription. Note that this feature is supported only for clips in English at this time.

How do I request subtitle improvements?

To request subtitle improvements, locate the subtitles box at the bottom-right of the video.

From there, simply locate the blue “Request Improved Subtitles” box to request your perfected subtitles.

It’s that easy!

We will correct the subtitles ourselves and get them back to you as soon as we can, usually within 24 hours.


Why are subtitles important?

Teaching students through visual media is very effective in increasing content retention, but why not assist students even more in learning? Make the most out of a lesson by combining fun, engaging videos with perfect subtitles to follow along. That way, your videos will support cognitive load that fosters learning and will accommodate students with hearing impairments.

If you’d like to learn about some of the benefits of using subtitles, this article from ZANE Education provides some additional insight.


We hope that you enjoy this new feature and the other features introduced in ClassHook Premium! You can learn about all the new features here. You can get a ClassHook Premium membership on our website.

Please feel free to contact us with any feedback about ClassHook Premium. We’d love to hear what you think about these exciting new features and how we can improve your experience on ClassHook!

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